Tablets, Capsules, Powders, Liquids Oh No!

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Tablets, Capsules, Powders, Liquids Oh No!

Wed Sep 7, 2016

Sublingual (beneath the tongue) delivery is not new, yet based on the many advantages of this administration for both medications and nutritional supplements, there is a renewed interest in this product segment.

Medications and supplements are transferred to the bloodstream via mucosal membranes in the mouth after dissolving, allowing for quick absorption and avoiding the loss of potency, which may come with a first pass metabolism in the stomach or liver. (Narang & Sharma, 2011)

Some examples of drugs that are administered this way include: Cardiovascular drugs (nitroglycerin, verapamil), steroids, certain barbiturates, enzymes, vitamins, and some medications for mental health conditions.

With this increased interest in sublingual delivery, manufacturers have been tasked to develop products that are great tasting, quick to dissolve and easily absorbed. Once the product is developed and tested, the package development and design team take front stage, since the customer/patients first impression starts with the package (delivery system). Having your sublingual product as a metered dose is a great advantage since this will allow the highest potency of the medication or supplement with limited waste during the delivery and absorption into the blood stream. As with many product categories, the challenge of the marketer is to ensure proper dosing of their product(s) at the correct intervals. The regimen format can be accomplished by utilizing a corresponding number of metered dose unit of use packages. This will ensure both compliance and the best outcome for the consumer/patient.